web statistics Tea Consumption Lowers Risk For High Blood Pressure and Stroke | lineclinic

Tea Consumption Lowers Risk For High Blood Pressure and Stroke

Stroke or high blood pressure is one of the most common diseases that threaten someone. Considering the consumption of food that we now have the very practical such as canned food, has already been mixed with material preservation, so do not be surprised if one can quickly stricken with acute illness.

Actually, stroke and high blood pressure often affects adults. Many ways in which to reduce high blood pressure, one of which is by taking blood pressure-lowering drugs.

However, the actual consumption of drugs is continuous and excessive it can make normal blood pressure is becoming less and damage the health of other organs.

Of course there are many ways that can treat high blood pressure, and certainly need to use a natural way, and one way is to try tea. Beverages or foods containing caffeine are not usually recommended for people with high blood pressure. However, tea contains a compound that can inhibit blood pressure.

The researchers found that a compound in tea called L-theanine, can significantly inhibit blood pressure. L-theanine can calm the mind is anxious and tense.

One of the researchers in Australia found that people who drank three cups of tea a day can lower blood pressure an average of 2-3 points higher than those who did not.

Not only that, the tea also contains flavonoids that can improve the health of blood vessels, reducing weight and fat in the abdomen. Surely you have to drink tea without sugar to get the benefits of foods.
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