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5 Benefits of Papaya For New Body Beauty

Papaya plants derived from southern Mexico region and the northern part of South America, and is now widespread and widely grown throughout the tropics for its fruit is taken.
Papaya has a lot of nutrient content therein, thus papaya also has many benefits for your beauty. The content of nutrients contained in fruits pepeya include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, fat, calcium, protein, carbohydrates and calories.
Well, I'd already explained the meaning and content of papaya contained in papaya. Now I will explain again some of the benefits of papaya to your beauty. Here below are some benefits of papaya for your beauty as well as how it is used, see the good.
1. Lifting the dead skin cells
The trick is to first papaya puree and mix with a little milk, then use a mixture of papaya with milk as a face mask, wait a while, then just bilaskan with clean water.
2. Moisturize Skin
The trick is to puree the flesh of papaya fruit, then mix with honey and use as a face mask or body, let stand for 10 minutes, after which it bilaskan with water.
3. Eliminate Acne
How to use, namely papaya puree and mix with honey, then apply to the face or acne prone skin from the face and neck, then let sit for approximately 20 minutes, after which bilaskan with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
4. whiten face
The trick is picking the ripe papaya fruit in the tree (do not buy in fruiterers, usually ripening in carbide) because it contains more nutrients if the papaya fruit ripen on the tree. Then Peel the skin and soften until melted, then apply evenly on the face, wait 24 minutes and wash again. Do this on a regular basis 2 times a day, the morning and afternoon.
5. Eliminate Black Spots
The trick papaya soften until it becomes like "porridge", then rub on the affected area of ​​black spots on your skin. You can also mix with the lime juice. Let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
Well, that's some of the benefits of papaya to your beauty. You can also try one of the ways already described above in your home. Well, then congratulations to try it at home and hopefully this article useful for you, thanks
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