web statistics 3 Efficacy pepper For Beauty Face and Body | lineclinic

3 Efficacy pepper For Beauty Face and Body

Pepper is one of the ingredients in the kitchen cooking spices that are often used by housewives to add flavor to dishes. Pepper is a plant species belonging to the family Piperaceae and including the genus Piper.
The content of the nutrients found in pepper include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin E, vitamin K, fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium and zinc.In addition to the nutritional content, pepper also has benefits for health and beauty you know. Want to know what pepper benefits for your health and beauty? Here below is a good check out the pepper benefits for your health and beauty.

1. Lowering FeverThe trick is to add 1 drop of pepper oil on a wet cloth and apply as a compress. This will open the pores of sweat and reduces body temperature slowly.

2. ScrubThe trick is to combine a pinch of pepper powder with a cup of sugar, 1/2 cup oil sequence that has been given the aroma, and 6 drops of orange essential oil into a bowl. After a few times of the mixing process, apply the potion as a scrub that is the way rub on the wet skin when you're showering.

3. Relieve ArthritisThe trick is to add 2 drops of pepper oil with 2 drops of lemon oil in warm bath water. You can take a dip in the water by combining with a gentle massage. It can smooth urination, which will be able to dispose of harmful toxins and excess fluids other.Well, that's the pepper benefits for your health and beauty. Hopefully the way I described above can be useful for you. From one of the ways I mentioned above, you can also try one of the ways I described above. Then congratulations try it at home, thank you.
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