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This is the danger of japanese ants for the intestine

Not long ago, there were some articles on the internet that explains the efficacy of ants Japan as a drug. That said, these insects can treat various diseases, such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease and gout. Is that right?

A short time later, appeared also an article stating that the Japanese ants harmful to the body because it contains a lot of bacteria. So, which is correct? Is this the ants are beneficial or harmful to the body instead it? Let us review it further.

What exactly is the Japanese ant?

Before knowing the benefits and dangers, of course we need to know in advance what animals exactly is meant by this Japanese ants.

It is uncertain what exactly the Japanese ants because ants Japan only local designation alone. Maybe in another area, the animal is known by other names as well. Need to research by entomologists to know for certain species of ant Japan.

So far, based on the articles that circulated on the Internet, which is the closest form of animals, known by the public as Japanese ant is an insect possibilities with the Latin name Tenebrio molitor. These animals included in the class of Coleoptera (beetles-kumbangan) which have the characteristics have two pairs of wings and bite mouth types. These insects undergo complete metamorphosis. In the phase of larva, often also known as caterpillar or Hongkong or Yellow Mealworm Mealworm.

To facilitate understanding in this review, we consider the Japanese ants known to the public this is Tenebrio molitor.

Is Japan ants beneficial to the body?

This is the danger of japanese ants for the intestineThe world's food and agriculture organization (Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO) actually already been published journals of the insects can be eaten with the content of nutrients in it, including Tenebrio molitor.

As well as other animals and insects, Tenebrio molitor it does contain nutrients that are beneficial to the body. One hundred grams of larvae can produce as much energy as 206 kcal, whereas the adult form can produce energy 138 kcal per 100 grams. The larvae also contains approximately 14-25 grams of protein per 100 grams of fresh larvae. In addition, it also contains vitamin B12 (0.47 micrograms / 100 grams of fresh larvae) and minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, and selenium. These organisms also contain fatty acids, although there were not as many as on the meat. It all depends on the food eaten by insects.

Tenebrio molitor benyak is actually found and used as pet food such as birds and fish. However, not a few people who eat them as a food ingredient. It is mostly found in the rural areas where the insect is considered as a traditional food. Other insects such as grasshoppers and crickets are also widely consumed by humans.

Is it true Tenebrio molitor can cure various diseases?

On the internet many scattered articles on the efficacy of these insects as a drug. In fact, there is also to include instructions or dosage consumption. Some are based on personal experience, there are also those who just heard from others.

Then, if true Tenebrio molitor can cure various diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, and gout? The answer is to not know, because until now there has been no research on the efficacy of the insect as a medicine. There are no medical journals that could prove it. Perhaps this could lure researchers and health experts and doctors to conduct further research on this subject. Who knows one day it is proven that these insects can treat these diseases. What is clear, until now there is no evidence on the efficacy of these insects as a drug, including that these animals are able to produce insulin, it has been no research.

Diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, and gout is a chronic disease that requires patience. These diseases are indeed very difficult to make a full recovery, but it is easy to control. How can control it with drugs that have certainly proven to be able to control it and to be followed by changes in style hidupdan diet towards a better and more healthy.

When you do not want to take medication constantly, we have to maintain the health and eating habits in order to avoid the disease and its complications. It never hurts to check up regularly to a doctor despite not feel any symptoms of illness, especially if you have risk factors, such as family members sibling with the disease or the age factor that is already above 40 years.

When already have the disease, contact your doctor immediately. The doctor will provide appropriate treatment and has been proven to be beneficial. There are no doctors who intend to harm patients. Rather than try things that have not been proven, it is better immediately consult a doctor because doctors can not only give the drug, but also can teach how lifestyle and a healthy diet so that life becomes more meaningful.

Certain insect species do exist that can be eaten, such as mealworms, grasshoppers, crickets, silkworm, and so forth. However, there has been no evidence of medicinal properties. So, yes, if you want to eat ya okay, but do not expect after eating it his diabetes be cured.

Is this dangerous ants Japan?

Jawabannyan may be, but not always. As with other insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, ants, cockroaches, even butterflies, Tenebrio Molini also can be a vector or intermediary of germs, viruses, worm eggs and other microorganisms to enter the human body.

Most disease carried by these insects is a worm infestation. Such as flies, insects can perch in dirty places and may accidentally eat the eggs of worms, super small size, which is attached to the food. When we eat this insect, worm eggs will certainly go into our bodies. When the eggs are "survivors" of the body's defense mechanisms (eg gastric acid), the eggs will hatch and grow in our intestines into adult worms.

One of the articles on the Internet mention the story of someone who after eating ants Japan then had diarrhea and stomach swell to have surgery. Diarrhea may be an early symptom of worm infestation. If the worm had grown and bred in our intestines, the stomach will get bigger naturally. Worms that grow in the intestine will also trigger a response of the body to produce mucus and inflammatory cells (which when mixed will look like pus) that will occur colitis. Naturally, the time of the surgery, it was found intestine is damaged and a lot of pus (like in the article). If lucky, may also be found worms in the gut.

It is one of the risks to consume insects, though not always the case. So, if you want to eat it, it is advisable to buy these insects from places that are reliable and specially cultivated so that the insect food source of insects and even then maintained clean. If the seller does not convince, better cooked until done first so that if there is a dead worm eggs through a heating process.
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