web statistics Characteristic of People Affected by Lung Disease | lineclinic

Characteristic of People Affected by Lung Disease

Characteristic of people affected by lung disease that you need to be aware of and how to treat and cope with lung disease rapidly effective

Lung disease is a contagious disease that can be cured. Lung is basically `important organs for human life. Especially functioning in the human respiratory system. Served as a place of exchange of oxygen in human need and remove carbon dioxide which is the result of a process of breathing should be issued by the body, so the body's need for oxygen will remain unfulfilled. The air is essential for humans, not inhaling oxygen for a few minutes can menyembabkan death. That's an important part of the lungs.


Symptoms such as cough - cough, shortness of breath or pain in the chest area may indicate that there is something wrong with your lungs. With its faster detection, this will help keep the disease is not getting longer and worse.

Disturbances in the lungs can be derived from the lung disease in the organ itself or derived from other organs, such as its:

    Abnormalities in kidney
    The spread of cancer
    Abnormalities of severe heart failure
    Abnormalities in liver

The following traits - traits of people affected by lung disease commonly found in sufferers:

    Backs bent shape
    Take care agency
    Chest pain
    Hard to breathe
    Hot body
    Decreased appetite
    Night sweats
    Persistent cough for more than 2 weeks usually accompanied by phlegm
    Sometimes - sometimes coughing blood
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