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5 easy Tips Beauty Using egg whites

Egg white is the white liquid (also called the albumen or the glair/glaire) contained within an egg. This fluid is contained in the eggs that already fertilized and that have not been fertilized. Egg white consists of 10% proteins dissolved in water.

Uses egg whites is to protect the egg yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo, because egg whites are rich in protein and low in fat, which is the opposite of egg yolk, containing high fat value. The egg white has many culinary uses and non-culinary.

In addition, the egg whites also has many benefits for your beauty. What do you already know what are the benefits of egg whites to your beauty? Well, if there are some of you who do not know what are the benefits of egg white for beauty, below I will explain the benefits of egg white for beauty. Check out well below.

1. Address the oily skin

Do I mix lemon juice with white eggs are free-range chicken, stir until evenly, and then apply it on your face evenly, avoid the sensitive area around the eyes and lips. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

2. Overcome dry skin

The way is to provide the avocado fruit is ripe, then rake and grab the meat alpukatnya. Then puree the avocado meat until completely smooth, then add the chicken with egg whites, stirring until evenly, then apply it on your face until it dries, then rinse with warm water and then flush with cold water.

3. Eliminates acne

5 easy Tips Beauty Using egg whitesThe trick is to provide medium-sized cucumber, then cucumber cucikan to clean and parutkan, then mix in the grated cucumber with egg whites until flat, apply the mixture on your face, make it as a mask. Let sit for a few minutes, after that, rinse withclean water.

4. Shrink pores

How to separate egg whites with the egg yolk, then combine with 1/2 teaspoon of pure honey, then stir to form cream, then apply the cream on your face evenly, wait for it to dry, then rinse with water until clean.

5. To whiten Faces

Do I mix the egg white with honey by using facial brush, then apply the mixture on your face evenly, let stand for 30 minutes, after that, rinse your face with clean water. Use a smooth cloth to dry your face by means of menepuk-nepuknya with smooth.

Well, that's the benefit of egg whites to your beauty. You can also try one of the ways I've described above Your home. Well then good luck at home and hopefully this article was helpful for You, thank you.
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