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Avoid Heart Attacks By Following These 5 Easy Tips

Regular diet with the right way of course is very good for health. With the condition of the body remains fit would have become the dream of every person, and maintain your diet can reduce the risk of heart attack.

Consumption of fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are very good course and has become a requirement of nutrients for the body. Besides eating fruits and vegetables can boost immunity. So, do not be lazy to eat fruit.

Proper Diet

Diet and limit the consumption of good fats to keep the amount of cholesterol in the body. The amount of cholesterol in the body will affect the health of the heart. It is important for you to eliminate Eating soy bad cholesterol in the body because it can reduce the risk of heart attack.

eating soy

Soy contains isoflavones and protein are good for the body. Abortion is equivalent to milk protein. So even if you do not consume milk for fear of fat, you can eat soy and benefit from protein.

Reduce salt intake

Hindari Serangan Jantung Dengan Mengikuti 5 Tips Mudah iniEating salt can raise blood pressure levels in the body. It can interfere with heart health. Thus, reducing salt intake can keep your heart health.

Diligent in drinking water

Consuming 8 glasses of water a day can reduce the risk of heart. Because water can help reduce the risk of heart and can discard the fat parts of the body.
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