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Infectious diseases to watch out for children

Less clean environment and extreme weather could be one cause of disease pacification. However, today there are still some people who are less aware of the importance of hygiene. In fact, by living clean of course you will have a healthy body.

The disease can affect anyone, whether women, men, adults, or children. Known diseases are of two kinds, namely infectious and noninfectious diseases. Typically, children who are most vulnerable to infectious diseases whether it is or not.

However, this time CiriCara will discuss infectious diseases. A disease that can be transmitted to others is usually spread through intermediaries and can also directly. Intermediaries common example of a child who shared a glass of water with a friend who was suffering from a contagious disease.

By doing so, the virus will easily present and make the child come to be sick. There are several diseases that can easily attack the child. Anything? Reporting from Tipsanak.com, following five infectious diseases to watch out for in children:


Infectious diseases to watch out for childrenThis disease is a type of disease that attacks the respiratory organs and the kind of disease that is easily transmitted. Patients usually experience symptoms such as chills, fever, headache, and pain in the back. to provide rapid treatment to children suffering from the flu, you can provide warm water and thin foods warm with a frequency that often. Adequate rest is also needed in order to make the immune system of children back again.

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a disease transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito that keep the virus in eggs and transmit the virus through bites. This type of mosquito bite in a period of relative can be determined. Usually the bite occurred at 9:00 to 10:00 (in the morning) and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (afternoon).


Is an infectious disease dtAndai with defecation but the texture there is so watery stools. Diarrhoea can have an impact if not handled worse and certainly can cause death. Some causes of diarrhea may be allergic food substance, a disease in food, until the excess vitamin C.


Chickenpox is a disease caused by the Varicella Zoster virus with infectious nature. Sufferers usually have a set of small spots that made him feel itchy. Long-term effects ditibulkan by children can be a defect in the skin, to blindness.


If the child is suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, then they would get a reduction in body fluids quickly. The impact is so severe that can be deadly especially if it affects children, and infants.
That variety of information about outbreaks of infectious diseases that you should watch.
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